Are Corrupt Deep State Bureaucrats Within The Florida Bar Covering Up Mark Stopa’s Crimes?
A whistleblower has sent damning evidence to They allege deep state bureaucrats within the Florida Bar are trying to cover up Mark Stopa’s crimes. Isn’t the Florida Bar‘s purpose to protect the public from unscrupulous lawyers like Stopa? Well, the reason is that Stopa has become a major embarrassment to them. They fear busting Stop would create a major scandal in the Florida legal community.
Hundreds of Mark Stopa victims lost millions of dollars. They have been waiting patiently for years for justice. Now, they are accusing the Florida Bar of criminal negligence for not doing enough to stop Mark Stopa. Since Stopa’s disbarment, his crime family has run hundreds of fraud on the court scams.
Mark Stopa’s victims allege the corrupt bureaucrats are now slow-walking the investigation to avoid a public relations nightmare.
The whistleblower indicated Florida Bar investigators are “shocked” at the depth of the fraud perpetrated by Stopa. The Florida Bar worries their reputation would be permanently damaged if the truth was released to the public.
Frustrated FDLE investigators and the Statewide Prosecutors office have been waiting YEARS for the Florida Bar to complete their Stopa investigation. Sources say dozens of Stopa’s attorneys including Lee Segal, Jill Schuh, Christopher Hixson, Jake Blanchard and Vestalia Aylsworth are also being investigated.
Stopa’s many victims say the Florida Bar is more concerned with preserving their image than delivering justice.
Ongoing Criminal Racketeering Investigation
It is well known that the FDLE and the Florida AG’s Office have an open criminal investigation of Mark Stopa. In addition to the investigations into dozens of his crime family attorneys for racketeering. However, law enforcement is being handicapped by the slow-moving Florida Bar investigation. contacted Mark Stopa for comment. Naturally, he claims ignorance and that he has done nothing wrong. Stopa tried say with a straight face that there is no ongoing criminal investigation. This seems to be the same false narrative Stopa sticks to in his Pro Se SLAPP lawsuits filed against his vocal opponents.
However, has learned Stopa has shelled out big bucks by hiring Todd Foster. Foster is a former FBI agent and prominent criminal defense attorney. Stopa has tasked Foster with shutting down the racketeering investigation.
The whistleblower alleges Foster is now pressuring his closest friends within the Florida Bar to slow-play the Bar investigation. Thus, having the Bar obstruct the Florida AG’s criminal investigation.
FOIA Requests Are Denied
Mark Stopa falsely maintains there is no criminal investigation. Yet, the FDLE, Statewide Prosecutor and the Florida Bar all refuse to respond to FOIA requests citing an “ongoing criminal investigation.”
So, if there is no criminal investigation, why are they refusing FOIA access?
Stopa’s victims also say the FDLE and Statewide Prosecutor’s office do not even respond. However, they say the Florida Bar responds but refuses to provide any information.
The main contact at the Florida Bar handling the Stopa investigation of Mark Stopa and those of his crime family attorneys is Bar Counsel Evan Rosen.
If you are a victim of Mark Stopa and you want answers, contact Mr. Rosen and press him on information. He will confirm to you that the Florida Bar cannot release any information on Mark Stopa or his crime family attorneys. He will state there is an active, ongoing investigation.
Rosen will also acknowledge the Bar is collaborating with the FDLE and the Statewide Prosecutor’s Office
Mark Stopa knows all of this to be true. Yet, he continually maintains he has done nothing wrong and denies the criminal investigation.
Mark Stopa victims are encouraged to contact Evan Rosen to confirm there is an active criminal investigation against Mark Stopa and his crime family attorneys and to inquire WHY the Florida Bar is taking to long to complete their internal investigation.
Bar Counsel Evan Rosen can be reached as follows:
Evan Rosen
Bar Counsel
The Florida Bar, Tampa Branch
PO Box 270729
Tampa, FL 33688
(813) 875-9821 ext. 4304
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