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How Did Mark Stopa Get So FAT?

How Did Mark Stopa Get So Fat? Candid Courtroom Photo Reveals Shocking Double-Chin, Beer-Belly-Fatty Mark Stopa

Mark Stopa Get So FatHoly fat-ass batman!   What happened to Mark Stopa? He claims he goes to the gym everyday but how did Mark Stopa get so fat?

The once young and relatively fit attorney used dressed professionally for all his court appearances. However, now he is a complete mess.

He appears in court as an obese metrosexual in gay-plaid shorts. Stopa now sports a double chin and a gut that makes it look like he is about to give birth.

And let’s not even talk about the SMELL.  O-M-G, he doesn’t wear deodorant. Stopa’s breath is horrific and he smells like he just soiled his adult under garment.

Mental illness is a bitch isn’t it?

The abuse of prescription pain pills and alcohol is bad enough. But, when you add his obsession with unnatural and indiscriminate sex with gay prostitutes, it begins to take its toll.

Mark Stopa likes to preach healthy living to all his Twitter X followers. Yet, the truth is he is a lard-ass with an old fat dad body. He also throws a football like an effeminate weirdo.

Adrienne and Mark Spiraling Out of Control

Mark Stopa Get So FatThe last we saw of Adrienne, she was living on the couch and literally eating herself to death. All the stress from the ongoing criminal racketeering investigation is tasking it’s toll on her too.

At the time, Mark was still relatively in shape from chasing all the young gay boys at Williams Park.   But former friends say Adrienne was out of control. She is eating everything in sight.

Despite friends and family trying to help, Adrienne just wouldn’t get off the couch.  She was on a first name basis with most all of the DoorDash and Uber Eats delivery drivers in Pinellas Park. She is ordering pizza, burgers and desserts at all hours of the night.

So, How Did Mark Stopa Get So Fat? He And Adrienne Subscribe To The Cannon Diet!

Mark Stopa Insists There is No Criminal Investigation

Mark Stopa Get So FatStopa attempts to comfort his ailing wife by misleading her that they are not under a criminal racketeering investigation.

Despite spending tens of thousands of dollars a month fighting subpoenas with criminal defense attorney Todd Foster, Stopa still deludes himself that there is no criminal investigation.

Dozens of corrupt crime family attorneys are also now being investigated. Unfortunately for Stopa, they have all agreed to testify against him.

The Stopa Federico crime family has been reduced to just Chris Hixson and Vestalia Aylsworth still dutifully filing all of Stopa’s fraud-on-the-court scams.

Aylsworth and Stopa File New Fraud-on-the-Court Scam

Mark Stopa Get So FatJust recently, Aylsworth filed a new scam for Stopa in Hillsborough County Case 25CC-9220.   The corrupt attorney is colluding with Stopa to advance an “organized scheme to defraud.”

Stopa and Aylsworth fabricated a fake mortgage debt in order to set a trap for auction bidders to overbid and create a surplus on Stopa’s negative equity stolen house at 4319 Balington Drive in Valrico.

Stopa stole the deed on this home from one of his former clients back in 2017.   For the last 8 years, he has been obstructing the federally insured mortgage lender to equity skim over $2,500 a month in pure profit rents.

The home is only worth $500,000 and the lender is now foreclosing to collect a total payoff of over $827,000.   Over $451,000 of that is past due payments that Stopa siphoned into his own pocket.

What Stopa, Hixson and Aylsworth don’t seem to understand is even though they believe they are operating within the parameters of the court system, they have concocted an “organized scheme to defraud” the public by creating fake debt in order to set a trap to steal using the court system.

That is the crime that will put them all in prison for a very long time.

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